letters from 3 am

  • Mariposa

    In Oasis Springs, ever since the late 1950s, the house at 415 Mariposa Way has belonged to the Mills family. George Mills bought it in 1958 with his wife Margaret, who was then pregnant with their son Alan. Alan married his girlfriend Molly Chester in 1979 after what many saw as a hasty relationship –…

  • A Wedding, Interrupted

    “And, by my charge and blood as the Sage Practical, I do sever from me the Bride, Nayeli Thao, and all child yet born of her.” Simeon Silversweater looks over at his fellow Sage, Morgyn, as he finishes his line. Something in his eyes is almost pleading, but Morgyn ignores it. “And by my charge…

  • Renovatrix Episode 1: Crick Cabana

    Tired of her boring day job designing office buildings, master architect and designer Maggie Madison decided to start fresh. Now she travels the world renovating houses of all shapes and sizes, stopping occasionally to bring you new episodes of… RENOVATRIX! Hel-LO renovixens! It’s Maggie Madison in Willow Creek, here at a classic little starter home.…

  • Better Letter

    I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to make you write out a whole letter. I thought that since I was “meeting” you I should be formal. I guess I was wrong. Let’s start over. Hi! I’m Tanvi. You don’t have to write any more paper letters if you don’t want to. My eyeballs did not…

  • Smoke

    “We’re heading out now!” yelled Mortimer from the front room, interrupting Cassandra’s reverie. “It’s parent’s day, so we won’t be back until six.” Cassandra closed her diary. Alexander had joined a summer drama club, and returned daily with new stories of silly improv games and behind-the-scenes mishaps. She tuned most of them out, but Mortimer…

  • Rowan’s Promise

    I grew up in Evergreen Harbor, in the area surrounding Port Promise. All my life, I wondered why they would name it something so beautiful. So hopeful. Port Promise, as anyone could have told you, was the place where beauty and hope went to die. I was seventeen and homeless, at the end of a…

  • Back Online

    Finally… Maybe now the stupid router’ll work… Let’s hope the weather stays clear. Welcome, Riley. Please enter your password: ************ Logging in… Wifi network detected. Would you like to connect? Yes! Starting Simchat… RHerring is online. YuYuki24: Red!!! RHerring: Yukiiiiiii YuYuki24: I was worried about you! :0 RHerring: ya ik RHerring: my parents got divorced…

  • Week 2, Day 1

    Wait… What was that? Do you smell… Ramen? No. It can’t be! Yes, that’s right my friends – That Noodle Place is back! We’ve resolved the… er… labor dispute we were having, and the staff is now ready to work again! Septimus Sevens, greeting the customers. Sept, that’s not your job, you’re a waiter! Lily…

  • Starting Over

    In the small town of Glimmerbrook, five hours north of Granite Falls, there is a house on Creekshine Way with a history longer than a chain email’s subject line. If walls had ears, these walls would have heard enough life stories to fill a library – but right now, all they would hear is the…

  • Hindsight

    Hello, friends! Oh, sorry. This is me. Xan. Xaneathmar. The author of this blog. Not a character. Sorry. This is not going to be a story post. This is going to be a post about Important Things. The past, the present, the future, the furby illuminati – well, not that last one. You see, it’s…

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